Pascal Beaute
The floral, fruity notes of mango tie together the exotic flavors of both Caribbean and Cajun cuisines in this enticing entrée. Mango-Rice Madras, tossed with roasted almonds, raisins and diced fresh mango, is topped by fillets of grilled red snapper. The fish is marinated in a blend of olive oil, mango purée, lemon juice, paprika and Cajun-blackened seasoning, then topped with a Mango-Sriracha Butter. It’s served alongside wedges of sweet, fragrant grilled mango. Inspired by a dish he created for a former restaurant he owned, Pascal Beaute, now Director of Culinary for global foodservice and hospitality company Delaware North, developed this variation in partnership with the National Mango Board.
“The sweetness of the fruit, the heat of the Sriracha butter and the blackened marinade make it a well-balanced dish with all types of ingredients complementing and counterbalancing each other,” says Beaute, who holds the title of Maître Cuisinier de France. “You get the heat first, then the sweetness to appease it. The combination of flavors—salty, sweet, tart, heat—make it a complete dish.”