Employ culinary techniques to convey premium cues in takeout fish dishes
With takeout and delivery in full focus, handhelds offer a practical, proven format for portability
This long-time favorite wins consumers over with comfort, whimsy, function and flavor
High-volume chefs reflect on the steep learning curve of the past few months, and share strategies for the path forward
Translating modern meatless flavor experiences into optimal off-premise options
Tamales represent a few of today’s biggest trends—comfort food, global flavors and portability, all wrapped up with a street-food sensibility. They fit into snacks and shareable menus nicely while lending a versatile recipe that welcomes signature versions.
It would be a stretch to say that any dish could represent all 10 trends covered in this special issue, but we found this one worthy
of a close look at its components. Call it a case study in on-trend presentation and flavor building.
This dish demonstrates how chefs can apply a tremendous amount of creativity to fries through brines, glazes or infusions