In the hands of forward thinkers, when a concept shifts from optional to vital, the process becomes more meaningful and results more impactful.
For more than a decade now, foodservice operators have been grappling with takeout and delivery. The ghost kitchen was a nascent idea on the horizon. A little more than a year ago, the driving motive in this model was a demand by younger consumers for both convenience and control of their foodservice experience. Restaurant brands had the luxury to be ambivalent and selective about takeout and delivery formats, packaging, partners and brand fit.
The speed with which the industry has evolved in the area of takeout/delivery and ghost/virtual kitchens is truly awe-inspiring. Foodservice operators had an incredibly steep learning curve here, but are now becoming expert. Ghost, cloud and virtual kitchens are part of our vernacular, woven into practically all industry discussions and menu-development decisions.
Takeout/delivery has matured into a viable “direct to consumer” e-commerce channel.
In Katie Ayoub’s Deep Dive article (Virtual Reality), she takes an in-depth view on virtual kitchens, and the many creative strategies operators have in play, and the wins they’re scoring. Through research and interviews, she outlines the state of this developing channel, and how it’s transforming foodservice.
This model isn’t cushioned by the on-premise niceties that can compensate for a lacking experience—those critical touchpoints of hospitality. However, as Katie finds, menu developers are finding ways to thread that needle, including subtleties that help convey hospitality and brand connectivity. A strategic use of flavor is incredibly important in this digital realm.
While the motive for the immersion into this new virtual channel quickly pivoted from consumer convenience to restaurant survival, the learnings along the way have made it more viable for the long haul. And as we anxiously await the return of the full on-premise foodservice experience, this new channel will serve us all well, long into the future.