Famous for its ButterBurgers, fried cheese curds and frozen custard, Culver’s, based in Prairie du Sac, Wis., boasts more than 900 locations. The restaurant’s extensive menu includes sandwiches, soups, salads and seafood—with one missing element—a signature sauce to call its own. That changed on June 1, when Culver’s Signature Sauce launched systemwide. Quinn Adkins, director of menu development for Culver Franchising System, explains why it was the right time for the brand to introduce a signature sauce, and the importance of first impressions.
“There’s a lot going on in this sauce, and that was deliberate because I needed to keep adding ingredients so that, depending on what menu item you’re using it with, the layers of flavor present a little differently.”
—Quinn Adkins
Q&A With Quinn Adkins
FTM: Why is Culver’s Signature Sauce debuting now?
Quinn Adkins: I’ve been working on this sauce for several years, waiting for the right opportunity. I believe you only get one chance to introduce something as “signature.” Over the years we watched competitors launch “signature sauces,” and I noticed a strong similarity among the sauces. Frequently, they were a combination of mayonnaise mixed with ketchup, barbecue sauce or mustard. I started thinking about what Culver’s signature sauce would look like. It was important to me that we separate ourselves and offer something that would best represent and enhance our diverse and large menu, but also capture and reinforce our brand identity.
FTM: Was there a moment that signaled the time was right?
Quinn Adkins: We’d been receiving feedback from our operators that guests wanted more diversity in our sauce lineup. We felt that now was the right time. We served the product to our franchisees at our national conference in January, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive.
FTM: How does the sauce represent, or reinforce the Culver’s brand?
Quinn Adkins: The sauce leans into the dairy industry and features a number of different cheeses. It leans into our philosophy of differentiation and offering our guests those “only at Culver’s” experiences, knowing that they can’t get this flavor or this type of product anywhere else. It’s not like anything else I’ve seen in the industry.
FTM: What makes this sauce stand out?
Quinn Adkins: There’s a lot going on in this sauce, and that was deliberate because I needed to keep adding ingredients so that, depending on what menu item you’re using it with, the layers of flavor present a little differently. So, it tastes different when you dip a crinkle cut fry than if you’re enjoying it with onion rings or fried shrimp. This was my goal from the beginning. Because the sauce works as a dipping sauce, a sandwich condiment, and a salad dressing, you’ll see more of it on LTO items in the future, too.
FTM: Any aversions to the sauce’s blue cheese element?
Quinn Adkins: We emphasize the “whisper” of blue cheese. It’s way in the background, and honestly, unless you’re sensitive to blue cheese notes, it’s almost undetectable. The reason I included it is because the sauce has layers of umami, and the blue cheese reinforces that umami backbone.
FTM: Any plans to enter retail with the new Culver’s Signature Sauce?
Quinn Adkins:We don’t have any retail products at this time. I would say no—but never say never.