First stop: Best Quality Daughter, an Asian-mash-up concept from Chef/Owner Jennifer Hwa Dobbertin, housed in a charming pink-and-green house. That fusion is in evidence in dishes like the mochi cheddar hush puppies, featuring Japanese mochi with Brazilian pao de queijo. Made with potato starch (making them gluten-free), the snackable puffs are simultaneously airy, chewy, gooey and crispy, served alongside a classic sweet-and-spicy Thai chile jam.
San Antonio is an American city that feels like no other. It carries the distinction from UNESCO as being named one of only two “Creative Cities of Gastronomy” in the U.S. (Tucson is the other), citing the San Antonio’s wide-ranging culinary heritage, including Mexican, Spanish, Indigenous, Asian and African, as well as its support of innovative culinary endeavors. The Flavor & The Menu team wanted to experience that mix of authenticity and creativity firsthand, so we set off on a flavor scouting trip, seeking out the dishes, flavors and ingredients that are driving culinary innovation in San Antonio.