It started out nearly 90 years ago as a Chicago-based company and the originator of the Ice Cream Cake Roll. Described as the perfect marriage of ice cream cake, this popular confectionary treat served as inspiration for the company’s name. Newly Weds Foods has since evolved into a go-to ingredient supplier for the foodservice industry. Its batter & breading systems, blended seasonings, marinades and sauces now support customers in more than 94 countries.
“Our role as an ingredient supplier goes well beyond just selling ingredients”, says Tom Downs, Newly Weds Foods’ senior director of global marketing. “We manufacture and produce customized ingredient systems to meet each customer’s specific needs. Those efforts span flavor, texture and appearance to processibility, yield and stability.”
While Newly Weds Foods’ core portfolio comprises the ingredients, it’s the company’s commitment to customer support in the form of integrated product development—including R&D, culinary support, market trend analysis and technical process expertise—that has established it as a world leader in this specialty industry.
Taking a solutions-based approach in meeting customer needs and allowing for customization means Newly Weds Foods customers can differentiate themselves in this competitive marketplace.
“Newly Weds Foods takes pride in being a true customized supplier of ingredient systems that will add value to our customers’ products,” says Downs. “That customized approach around taste, texture, visual attributes and functionality can certainly provide differentiation from one product to another and just plain stand out in the crowd.”
And today with the challenges restaurants face, including labor shortages and supply disruptions, Newly Weds Foods’ solutions are more critical than ever.
“Newly Weds Foods is more than just a purveyor of great taste,” says Downs. The company utilizes its technical capabilities and flavor delivery expertise to address customers’ operational parameters and achieve desired consumer satisfaction.
While customers have accepted pared down menus as a way for operators to simplify operational demands and offset labor shortages, that forgiveness won’t last forever. For restaurants not bringing back their pre-COVID menus, Newly Weds Foods is there to help with sauces, topical seasonings and other build components that enhance the overall flavor experience across a variety of segments and dayparts.
“’Inspiring New Tastes’ is more than a tag line. It is really a position statement for Newly Weds Foods,” says Downs. “It speaks to the contributions this company makes in helping our customers bring new and great tasting, craveable, on-trend products to the consumer.”
Learn more at newlywedsfoods.com