Flavor Trends, Strategies and Solutions for Menu Development
Picture for Inspiration Flip: Food Halls
Inverting the R&D process
Picture for Flavor Makeover: Crispy Comfort
Combining texture and technique to maximize rice’s crave factor
Picture for Flavor Trifecta: Peter Farrand
A combo of three ingredients leads to a versatile blend of sweet, bright, smoky heat
Picture for LTO Wins: Firebirds
Running LTOs that push the flavor envelope helps Firebirds pull the long view into focus
Picture for Flavor on the Edge: Chile Crisp
Creative applications for this bold Chinese condiment
Picture for 10 Flavor Builders: Being Fruitful
Modern menu building looks to fruit for flavor inspiration
Picture for Carrying Flavor
Making the carrier do some of the heavy lifting
Picture for Flavor in Focus: Burger Time
Trend-worthy ways to create craveable burgers
Picture for Better Burgers
Turkey offers a lean protein choice and countless possibilities for carrying flavor
Picture for A Conversation With Robert Okura
A reader's perspective on a few of the topics explored in this issue
Picture for Positively Pickled
Colorful and flavorful, quick-pickled blueberries offer multiple menu wins
Picture for Publisher's Page
Welcome to the July-August 2021 issue from Cathy Holley
Picture for Signature Flavor: Beefing Up
Beef Carpaccio transforms into a modern and memorable shareable
Picture for Australian Grass-fed Beef Carpaccio Recipe
Created by Michael Slavin, VP of Culinary & Menu Innovation, Houlihan’s, Inc.
Picture for Deep Dive: The Evolution of Food Halls
This dynamic segment is shifting again, changing the face of modern dining
Picture for 10 Beverage Upgrades: Bevs with a Boost
Lifting spirits with a non-alc development plan
Picture for Flavor in Focus: Spinning Salads
Invigorate this enduring category with fresh ideas